
How To Register A Business In Dominican Republic

Fees and timelines in 2022


payment by instalmentIncorporation costs in Twelvemonth 1 amount to The states$9,950 and annual company costs in Year two and thereafter corporeality to U.s.a.$2,800. The average total fee per Dominican Republic engagement amounts to The states$17,300, which includes company incorporation and opening a local corporate depository financial institution account and all regime fees. Refer to draft invoice embedded here.

Different Dominican Republic entity types Cost Draft invoice
SRL Us$17,300 View invoice PDF
SAS US$16,500 View invoice PDF
SA United states$eighteen,000 View invoice PDF
Branch of a foreign company United states$15,950 View invoice PDF
Representative office US$16,250 View invoice PDF
Tax exempt LLC US$17,300 View invoice PDF
Fast solution US$31,115 View invoice PDF
Free zone LLC US$31,115 View invoice PDF


The average Dominican Commonwealth company registration flow is 12 weeks as outlined beneath:

Service LLC SLC PLC Branch Rep office
Engagement planning one week 2 weeks 2 weeks two weeks 2 weeks
Company incorporation period 4 weeks 8 weeks 9 weeks 7 weeks half dozen weeks
Bank account approval 3 weeks four weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks
Internet banking approval 3 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks
Incorporation completion i week 1 week 1 week 1 calendar week one week
Total appointment period 12 weeks 17 weeks 18 weeks 16 weeks 15 weeks

japan business registration engagement period timeline

  • Preparing a detailed project programme;
  • Our Client confirms the corporate construction;
  • Collecting due diligence from our Customer.
  • Our Customer signs the corporate bank account opening forms;
  • Healy Consultants prepares a business program;
  • Healy Consultants visits the bank for interview;
  • The Bank Legal and Compliance Department review and corroborate the banking application;
  • The Banking concern Front Office electronic mail corporate bank account numbers to our client.
  • The Bank Operations Department mails the internet username and passwords to our Customer;
  • Some of our Clients' request Healy Consultants to actuate the internet banking on their behalf.
  • Healy Consultants confirms all Client due diligence is received;
  • Healy Consultants couriers to our Client the complete original visitor and banking concern business relationship documents;
  • Our Customer completes our web folio feedback survey;

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How To Register A Business In Dominican Republic,


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